In 2004, the British film, “Shaun of the Dead,” introduced a new film genre: the “zomedy.” Following that tradition, this year’s “Zombieland,” directed by Ruben Fleischer, is a zombie flick with sick laughs.

While there are comedic elements, “Zombieland” is still considered a horror film. The overarching theme is somewhat dark and sardonic, as indicated by its premise, which is essentially a boundless land of zombies.

Unlike “Shaun of the Dead,” which allowed the audience a wide glimpse of the main character’s world before and during the zombie attack, “Zombieland” starts the story in the middle of the zombie apocalypse.

As a result, loneliness creeps into every angle of the dark havoc-wrought highways with abandoned cars and crashed airplanes strewn about. The main character, Columbus, who is also the narrator (played by Jesse Eisenberg), has a cynical view of the world.

He is on a quest to Columbus, Ohio, traveling alone, until he crosses paths with a fellow survivor.

Woody Harrelson stars as Tallahassee, the surprisingly complex yet iconic champion zombie disposer–the kind of guy the other characters feel safe around, for the most part.
Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin play sisters, Wichita and Little Rock, respectively, who meet up with Colombus and Tallahassee.

Zombie films never cease to make a statement about the materialistic fetters holding down our society. When zombies destroy a society, the survivors are given an odd freedom from laws and bureaucracy. In “Zombieland,” anything goes and anything is possible–just watch out for those irritatingly diseased or undead with the munchies.

Those who are looking forward to overly gratuitous gore may be disappointed, as will those who are looking forward to a hero free of lovesickness (Hollywood just has to pair up people as if they were animals on Noah’s Ark). So only buy a ticket if you’re in the mood for fun–and zombies.

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