Prostitution in Wayne

Body of Zen, a local massage parlor in Wayne, has been shut down for undercover prostitution. The Radnor Police department decided to investigate the case after seeing some of the parlor’s “risqué advertisements.” These advertisements consisted of pictures of underage women surrounded by hearts and stated that “new girls” were waiting for customers. Cops decided to do an undercover sting and were offered sexual services, after which the employees of the massage parlor, two women, were charged.  The identities of the women have not been released to the public.

Detectives are currently investigating whether other people were involved in the parlor’s illicit activities. If so, such people would be charged for misdemeanor solicitation – the same charges given to the two women. However, those charges would be increased if it were discovered that human trafficking was involved. Some officers do suspect this, though it has yet to be confirmed.

This was the second location of “Body of Zen.” It opened in 2013, after the Manayunk location had been open for 13 years. According to an 2013 interview with Zylan Zhang, one of the owners, Body of Zen is a family business. Historically, Zhang’s father has taught the “correct techniques” to his employees during a six-month training period in “traditional Chinese healing practices.” Zhang’s mother has handled the finances.

The Zhang family members have not commented on the situation. It is unclear whether they are facing allegations.


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