David King, former director of human resources, was appointed executive dean of the Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies in July 2006. The position gives him the opportunity to affect a number of Eastern’s programs.The Campolo School is where several programs, such as international economic development and counseling psychology, find their home. King’s vision for his new position is twofold. Short term, his goal is to help articulate what the school is about, to bring clarity to the complexity.”Who are we?” he asked. “What do we do and why? The Campolo College is so complex. It’s an amalgamation of a variety of things that occurred over time and now it’s finding itself under the Campolo College umbrella.” Long term, King wants to see the Campolo College strive for a balance between academic quality, sustainability and access for students who would not normally end up in a graduate program.Although he possessed two master’s degrees when he first came to Eastern in March 1991, King said he quickly realized he would need a doctoral degree to be prepared for what he felt the Lord was doing in his life.”As a result of a variety of factors, not the least of which was David Black’s encouragement, friendship and mentorship, I began to view myself in a larger way,” he said. “You can’t think small when you’re around David Black.” After completing his work for an Ed.D. from Temple University last year, King stepped in as the director of the Campolo College.King likes to go back to his roots as a farmhand in rural Ohio to relax. “There’s a farm nearby [our cottage] that goes back generations with my wife’s family,” he said. “I go over there a couple of times on vacation and help bale hay. And that kind of helps me remember who I am.”

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