This spring break, from March 1 to 8, Eastern’s Habitat for Humanity club will be taking two teams to Valdosta, Ga., and Christianburg, Va.

“Over the last four years I have learned to install drywall, siding, trusses and roofing,” said Andy Horvath, director of service learning and campus ministries, in an e-mail interview. “The trips, for me, have been a highlight of my time at Eastern because of the relationships that form with Eastern students.”

Jennifer Hetzel, a junior biokinetics major, will be leading the group to Christianburg.

“Both of my spring breaks have been these Habitat trips,” Hetzel said. “I haven’t regretted a second of it.”

Hetzel stressed “how rewarding and fun it was to be able to say that I built a house over spring break.” Both trips, according to Hetzel, only have seven members each, and they have paid the way for 18 people to attend each trip. Although a small deposit is required of each person going, the rest of the money will be raised through donations and support letters, according to Hetzel. They are still accepting applicants and would like to be able to fill all those spots.

“It is tremendously fulfilling to serve God by building homes for those in need,” Horvath said. “And, as odd as it sounds, it is both very relaxing and fun to do physical work over break.”

Those who are interested in going on one of the Habitat for Humanity spring break trips can contact Jennifer Hetzel at or Andy Horvath at, ex. 1830.

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