Men’s Basketball

Meeting every Thursday, the men’s basketball intramurals compete for the top prize: the fame of being known as the best intramural men’s basketball team of the season.

The 5 vs. 5 matches almost look like a game played on the old school courts; black-top b-ball like no other. Guys try to dunk and attempt fancy moves to showcase their styles to fans watching from the sidelines.

The referees keep a loose rein over the court, blowing the whistle only for highly obvious fouls. Scoring is also cut by one, making shots inside the key worth one point and those outside the key worth two points.

Names for the guy’s teams include 2 Legit 2 Quit, All Stars and Murdalizers. Such names come from various sources. The name of Kardon Merrymen came from the nickname of one of the players. Another team’s name, The Precious Kings, came from the Homecoming King reign of senior Mike Skinner, the team’s captain.

Ryan “Moe” Matteucci, student intramural director, has been pleased with the season so far. “It’s going well,” he said. “I’m glad we have referees this year.”

The players seem to be enjoying themselves as well.

“We’re taking it one game at a time,” junior Chris Lallier of Kardon Merrymen said.

Skinner said, “Winning’s a part of intramurals, but it’s better to just go out there and have fun – and that’s what we’re doing.”

Teamwork is especially apparent in the various teams, as well as some good-spirited fun. The audience also gets into the game, cheering on their friends and hooting and hollering at a particularly cool shot.

Since its start on March 13, all of the teams have been looking forward to one date: April 24, the day of championships. Team Name’s player Jason Nwosu spoke on behalf of his team when he said, “See you at the championships.”

Women’s Basketball

In the rec gym, the women’s basketball intramurals have been meeting every Monday to play a 3 vs. 3 match.

While the games may get intense at times, the girls are there to have a good time. “We play for fun,” junior Kristin Watson of team No Shenanigans said.

The girls’ teams, including the Gough Gangstas and Cookiessss, have named themselves creatively. Another team, Team Royale, named themselves on a more strategic background.

“If we name the team as champions, then we will play as champions,” junior Julie Meck of Team Royale said.

The energy surrounding the rec gym is contagious. Many of the bystanders get as much into the game as the players, cheering the team on to victory. Laughs rebound through the room as the girls play without fear of ridicule.

“It’s really fun, especially with more teams,” Meck said. “It’s grown in the past few years, and that’s cool.”

Even with all the good fun, some teams have worked hard to get where they are, such as A Blonde A”ball”anation.

“We’re kind of the underdogs,” junior Leslie Messick said.

These underdogs, along with all of the other teams, have a shot at glory when the playoffs begin on April 21 at 10 p.m.

Sophomore Lindsay Moyer of team A Blonde A”ball”anation agreed with her teammate Messick but wanted to add one more thing: “If we go out [before the playoffs], then we’ll go out with style.”

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