Boys Boys Boys (WO)
Not enough boys on campus, you say? Well, think again. Today, yes, this very day, a busload of boys was driven to Eastern to satisfy the complaints that many members…
Not enough boys on campus, you say? Well, think again. Today, yes, this very day, a busload of boys was driven to Eastern to satisfy the complaints that many members…
Women in American military
One of the most common remarks I hear from those returning from missions trips abroad is, “I feel like I received more than I gave.” Anyone who has participated in…
There are people in need all over the world. This we cannot deny. At Eastern University, fliers advertising trips abroad are almost always taped to walls. It’s important to meet…
Willow Smith To Speak At Graduation
Please note: this is video is solely for satirical purposes but if the conversation were to arise, we all know that emu dominate the animal kingdom…just sayin‘.
A Preview from the President of SAGE
Waltonian One on One with Relient K
“The Andy Griffith Show,” “Leave it to Beaver,” “I Love Lucy,” the “Flintstones”-the list of timeless television classics is long. Yet as enduring as these sitcoms are, they most likely…
An uprising against the administration of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was sparked last March and has since led to an estimated 7,000 deaths-civilians, government troops and “defectors.” The situation became…