Follow Thy Master Story
To Whom It May Concern: I was recently interviewed and quoted in The Waltonian in a story covering Gavin Peretti’s film “Follow Thy Master.” While the article was informative and…
To Whom It May Concern: I was recently interviewed and quoted in The Waltonian in a story covering Gavin Peretti’s film “Follow Thy Master.” While the article was informative and…
In Bryn Mawr, tucked between the Starbuck’s and the Ferrari dealership is a small movie theater in the process of some major renovations. However, a nice theater with a new…
In the dark woods of a conservative Christian school, two students may have experienced an encounter with the demonic. From what is known, the demonic images can be traced to…
Some controversy is looming above this year’s Mr. Eastern competition. Although some had much to say about the activities that took place at the event held April 18, others were…
If there were a textbook for Adulthood 101, Rebekah Knight’s book, A Car, Some Cash and a Place to Crash, would be it. Geared toward recent college graduates, this useful…
From Wednesday to Friday of last week, the outgoing members of the Student Government Association held elections for next fall’s government. Here are the announced winners for each part of…
Benedict XVI: “Putting the Smackdown on Heresy since 1981.” So goes the motto of the Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger fan club. Needless to say, the club made a number of emendations…
Current and past dance students performed April 29 and 30th to a sold out auditorium full of of family, friends and other EU community members. The performance commemorated 15 years…
An athlete's log of a winning year
Eastern versus Cabrini