Study Tips: EU students share their best study tips for a successful year.
By: Katherine Seeley When it comes to studying, it can be hard to get into it. Everyone is different when it comes to studying but I want to share a…
“The Art Of” Conversation: A look at the complexities of conversation
By: Daniel Finegan Conversation is hard. I admit that I am terrible at it. It is not something that comes naturally to me. Especially when I disagree with someone, it…
A Journey of Food and Love: A film review of “The Hundred-Foot Journey”
A film review of “The Hundred-Foot Journey.” By: Brian Lines “Food is memory.” Indian food brings me memories of my childhood. When we lived in Kenya, my mother learned how…
The Phantom of Broadway: A quick highlight of “The Phantom of the Opera” leaving Broadway
By: Jennie Brouse Broadway’s longest-running musical of all time, “The Phantom of the Opera”, announced recently that the iconic show would be leaving Broadway. After 35 years of dazzling audiences,…
The Return of Reading: A dive into why and how we should be reading more
By: Brian Lines I would like you to do something for me: try and recall the last book you read through entirely that was not tied to school. Perhaps it…
New “Rings of Power” Show Struggles:
A look into the controversy surrounding Amazon’s new high-budget show. By: Brian Lines For those who might be unaware, there is currently quite a lot of controversy in the entertainment…
Ultimate Frisbee: Yes, it is a club, and yes you should join
By: Daniel Finegan and William Cunningham Do you like playing frisbee? Are you looking for a fun, active, and non-competitive club? If so, then the Ultimate Frisbee Club, also known…
People of Eastern: A one-on-one conversation with Eastern community officer Sandy Smith
By: Christian Lengkeek Sandy Smith is new to the security team at Eastern. Many of you probably recognize her by her bike; it’s the black bike with the very large…
Taking Courses Elsewhere: A look into the opportunities for taking classes outside of Eastern University
By: Jayme Fisher For those of you who don’t know, students have an opportunity to take courses at other institutions. You may be wondering why you would ever do this,…
The Cushing Center: A breakdown of the counseling and academic support resources on campus
By: Jayme Fisher At Eastern University, there are many different resources that students can utilize that will set them up for academic success. One of the most prominent resources that…