By: Katherine Seeley
Eastern University is full of clubs that many people can be a part of. Clubs are a great way to get involved with people who have similar interests, make friends and get to know people in your major or minor. One of the clubs on Eastern’s campus is Chem Club. Chem Club has two co-presidents, Keilah Olmeda and Emily Newman, both seniors. There is also the vice president, junior Hannah Wilson, and treasurer/secretary senior Grace-Hope Stevens. Their advisor is Dr. Bundens, a professor at Eastern. There is no set meeting time for this club. When there are major events going on around campus, like homecoming, they will meet together or discuss what they want to do.

“Our main goal is to host events and provide support for those majoring in the chemical sciences as well as those interested in chemistry,” Olmeda said. Having a support system is great with such a rigorous study. There is always a beginning of the year event which is called a Chem Meet and Greet. This is open to everyone interested in learning more about the chemical studies and those majoring in chemistry so they can come together and meet everyone in the program.
“This event is always so much fun as we gather with new and returning students as well as professors and enjoy some food, drinks, games and fellowship,” Olmeda said. One of the games that they played was charades with the category of “ all things chemistry.” Hannah Wilson described this as a “fun game” and “everyone there had a good time.” It is a great welcome to incoming students who want to get to know their professors and more about the program. It is also a great opportunity for those within the major to grow their relationships with their professors and help the incoming students to feel more comfortable.
One of the things that Chem Club started to do a couple years ago was making care packages. Olmeda said, “Those majoring in the chemical sciences received care packages. We have handed them out at different times throughout the year in hopes to provide some support and a little pick-me up.”
“Another thing Chem Club has done is hosting different seminars during times like National Chemistry Week,” Olmeda said. “We had a club table at homecoming this year and past years.”
Chem Club has done a lot on this campus and has high hopes for the future of this club. Their future plans they hope to enact are a Chemistry Christmas Party and giving out care packages for finals week. When asked, Wilson explained why someone should join Chem Club.
“Students majoring in or interested in chemistry should join Chem Club because of all the fun we have. Since most of us are older and have been studying the chemical sciences, we are able to help the first year students and guide them through the school year. It is a nice community of people who are like minded and it is full of people you can rely on for support. This is a hard major, so having that moral support on campus can really change your perspective and help you through it.”
Olmeda ended by saying, “We hope to spread the word about Chem Club and our events to students who might not be majoring in the chemical sciences but are still interested in chemistry.”
If you are interested in learning more about or joining Chem Club, contact the leadership team and look out for more events hosted by Chem Club!