100 years of Eastern athletics
How we’ve grown into what we are today.
How we’ve grown into what we are today.
A recap of the greatest team in Eastern history.
What happened with Eastern women’s volleyball in 2024.
A preview of Eastern's winter sports
Turning up the heat on the world's most popular sport
Why Eastern needs to bring back intramurals
How Eastern Softball has excelled in 2024
We’re just a month into the new year, and Spring sports are already underway. As a matter of fact, the lacrosse season is starting up in just a couple of…
By: Will Cunningham Basketball is back at the Nest, and your Eagles haven’t seemed to skip a beat in the eight months without a home game. Men’s basketball lived up…
By: Will Cunningham When I picked up the latest edition of the Waltonian, I read an article written by my good friend Rachel Baker. In this article, she explains her…