The weight room in the recreation gym has recently installed new equipment at the request of the students. The SGA and Dr. Black helped to fund the project.
According to coach and weight room supervisor Matt Nadelhoffer, SGA gave $6,000 and Dr. Black matched that amount.
He credits Bettie Ann Brigham, vice president of student development, with helping to make this possible.
The new equipment was either donated or bought brand new. Some of the new equipment includes power racks and a couple of free weight benches. The objective was to buy versatile machines to save money and space.
According to Nadelhoffer, the main additions were a new treadmill bike, which had been sought after by students for some time. They also added two TVs with cable. The bench presses now have automatic spotters, which makes weight lifting alone safer.
He has plans for future additions to the weight room.
“If the students respect [the] equipment, rules and hours, there is not doubt in my mind that it will be updated down the road,” he said.
Many students and faculty come to the weight room. Regulars include off-season athletes and regular Eastern students. Nadelhoffer said it is used by 80 percent of the student body.
Federal work study student workers play a role in the weight room as they supervise usage and help students in a variety of ways, including proper technique for the weights.
They are pleased with the changes that have been made.
First-year David Rothwell said the improvements have brought the weight room up to a “college level.”
Sophomore David Morgan agreed and added that the weight room is a great place to meet new people. Nadelhoffer, Morgan and Rothwell said the atmosphere has improved because of the new equipment.
Both Morgan and Rothwell agreed the “TVs are the best part.”