1. Show up to class on time. Your professor really doesn’t like it when you’re late.
2. Do your work before the night it is due. Trust me, I have experience in being lazy. It’s just not the thing to do.
3. Get involved in an extra curricular activity. The Waltonian is always looking for extra help.
4. Realize early that if you don’t consider the Dining Commons to be the best food choice, the Breezeway opens for lunch at 11:00.
5. That 8:30 class really is that early. Going to bed at 2:00 a.m. after playing poker is not a good idea.
6. When the weekend comes around and everybody leaves, make sure you aren’t left by yourself in your dorm with nothing to do. Making friends with random people in your lounge is a good idea.
7. Try to save money. You can learn to make twenty bucks last quite a long time.
8. Keep your room clean, especially when you have people over. It does make an impression.
9. And on that note, anyone willing to help me clean my room, just let me know …
10. Remember, Eastern security does give parking tickets. Somehow they are excellent at their job. I believe it has something to do with the lack of crime on the main campus.