Senior Memories

“My favorite memory during my time at Eastern was one time when I went wandering around Philly by myself … I guess they weren’t ready for me … it changed my life. Stuff happened. What was I thinking?”

-Jon Harris

“My favorite memory was going to New Orleans on the Hurricane Katrina trip. It was a good experience, and I made new friends.”

-Mel Stanford

“My favorite memory was going to the global night commute for Invisible Children. It was awesome to see that people who committed to go not only showed up but also brought friends. I got to hang out and worship God with friends while making a statement to the world. I’ll never forget that night!”

-Molly Sullivan

“My favorite memory was the senior trip to St. Michael’s, Md, for the youth ministry majors. We went out for a nice crab dinner and then had some time of sharing and worship. It was a great time.”

-Lisa Herman

Senior memories compiled by staff writer Christie Davis.

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