During the first weekend of November, Eastern sent 10 student representatives to the National Christian Multicultural Student Leaders Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

The purpose of the conference as outlined on its Web site is to “provide participants with knowledge and skills that enhance their understanding of multicultural ideals, challenges and realities, and the role of Christian students and Christian institutions in the journey toward cultural competency.”

As Eastern’s Student Government representative to the conference, I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to the beautiful city of Atlanta. Best of all, however, I was able to learn from the student leadership of other small Christian schools. The group dynamic was energizing, and we all walked away with a growing sense of school spirit that we hoped to share with our respective colleges.

One of the focal points of the conference was a competition for a handful of $2,500 grants to implement student-led multicultural initiatives. After all of the schools had presented their respective ideas, one of the grants was awarded to Eastern.

Our new initiatives will focus on the mixing and intermingling of the entirety of Eastern’s community. So be on the lookout—new school spirit-and-diversity-themed activities will be sweeping Eastern’s campus!

Stacey Johnson, SGA Junior Class Treasurer

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