If there were no finals..
Eastern would be a better place.
I mean, think about it
No one really enjoys finals
Students don’t like taking them
Teachers don’t like grading them
We all have things to focus on this time of the year
Like Christmas and spending time with family
The semester has already been stressful
So why add finals at the end?
Why not leave for Christmas break in peace
Already knowing how you did in your class
And not having to worry about your grade on the finals all break long…
But if we absolutely, positively must have finals…
Why make them 50 thousand questions long
With 20 short essays at the end
All on things that were barely talked about in class
That’s just wrong…
And you know it
I think that twenty multiple choice questions will suffice.
Or maybe even an oral exam, most students don’t mind those.
There are so many other possibilities.
But the traditional final exam is outdated and should be modernized
Or eliminated.
Preferably eliminated…
Yeah, we should just go ahead and eliminate it.
That gives students the opportunity to finish out the semester
Without having that dreadful final exam to worry about
Now that just seems like an overall better Eastern!