I pledge allegiance to…God or country?

Today’s society is conflicted over the flying of the Christian flag and the American flag. Deciding which flag should hold a position of prominence in Christian public places has been a topic of conflict for some time.

In front of Walton Hall, the American flag and the International Christian flag fly side by side, but because it stands on the right-hand side, the American flag holds an authoritative position. According to the American Flag Code, no flag should be flown to the right of the American flag or above it.

We both love and respect our country but there are certain truths we cannot deny. Flags aside, our devotion is to God above all things, country included.

In the following paragraphs we will present our two different influences for this belief.

Caleb: I consider myself a very patriotic person and anyone who knows me will discover that my love for this country is very strong. A flag hangs in the corner of my room at home and I love the majestic symbolism behind our nation’s banner.

However, I am troubled when I see an American flag in a position of prominence in my church sanctuary. Obviously, this is not out of personal distain or disrespect for our nation’s flag, but rather a sense of uneasiness I feel by putting my country in front of my God.

I am first and foremost a Christian. My loyalty is to God before it is to America. Therefore, being an American would fall under my citizenship as a Christian. Because Christianity is an international religion that has no boundaries, I believe that it is futile and discourteous to suggest our nation as being a more godly or superior Christian nation than others around the world.

Alex: The high school where I come from has no flag on campus. No star-spangled banner in front of the buildings and no Pledge of Allegiance every morning before the start of school. Our “See You at the Pole” national day of prayer was called “Meet Me at the Pillars.” The simple explanation was that our allegiance is to God, first and foremost.

It’s easy to see how this “radical” act might come across to some as a sign of disrespect to our country. There is a level of appreciation for our country and its history that every American should feel. But by choosing to not fly the American flag on campus, I do not believe that my high school was in any way attempting to flagrantly dishonor our country.

One might argue that the placement of the American flag as holding precedence to the Christian flag is merely symbolic, of no consequence or merit. They are exactly right. It is symbolic.

But what symbols do we want to convey to others who are invited into our churches and sanctuaries who are from other nations. Is God higher than country? Have we returned to the days of “God vs. Caesar?”

We sure hope not. Our allegiance will always be to God.

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