Waltonian | The Waltonian

On April 9, three Eastern students will present their research to members of the PA state legislature at the state capitol for the Undergraduate Research at the Capitol Pennsylvania conference. Erin Hillman and Ryan Mitchell will present a project entitled “Examining Suburbanization and Land Use Pattern Changes via ArcGIS in Delaware County, PA.”  The research was completed in the fall of 2015 under the supervision of Dr. Hays from the Biology Department.” Jensen Okimoto will be presenting an astronomy project called “Light Curve Analyses of the Short Period, Totally Eclipsing Binaries V449 and & V463.” Okimoto completed all the data analyses for this project, and Dr. Bradstreet was the research advisor.

The conference in Harrisburg provides opportunities for PA state legislators to have a look at the undergraduate research being done in Pennsylvania universities. Other colleges, such as University of Pennsylvania, Villanova University, and Millersville University, will be sending other students. All schools may send two research projects.