Tag: Letter to Editor


Letter to the Editor

I read with great interest and pleasure the article written by Mary Ann Bonner in the Feb. 25, 2015 issue of the Waltonian, entitled “The Danger of Diluting the Gospel.” It was a grace-filled challenge not only to students, faculty and staff of Eastern but to the whole church–a word […]


Letter to the Editor

From Rick Jonsen Housekeeping staff appreciation day had special meaning this year when Allison Cox and hundreds of other students decided to replicate an action that Shane Claiborne and the Eastern students of his era took: take over St. David’s campus housekeeping duties for a day so the housekeeping staff […]


Letter to the Editor

From Allison Cox I found out about the new housekeeping contract on Tuesday the 4th of November, the same day the housekeeping staff and the university’s faculty were told. Prior to this announcement, I had planned a housekeeping appreciation day based on Shane Claiborne’s similar practice in The Irresistible Revolution. […]


Letter to the Editor

From Becky Herold In regards to the piece “Got Milk?” in last issue’s opinions section, I offer a few counterpoints for Eastern’s student body to consider. 1) The mechanisms described are misinformed. Firstly, milk and other acid-forming foods do not simply make your body acidic, and this is a misleading […]


Letter To The Editor

From Dr. David Unander Whenever we teach ‘Earthkeeping’ (BIO 103), early in the course we study part of the Creation Mandate to humanity: to serve and “keep”, take care of, the Garden (i.e., Genesis 2:15). The course name, ‘Earthkeeping’, even derives from that command. It’s a foundational understanding of God’s […]