The winning team of an intramural 3-on-3 basketball tournament back in 2022

Eastern has a lot of fun clubs and activities for students to participate in, but there is one they don’t have that would be huge for students to have: intramural sports. However, it hasn’t always been missing from campus life.

Just two years ago, intramural sports were in full swing at Eastern. A 3-on-3 basketball tournament was held in the fall (which my team won, side note), and the spring saw tons of fun games held across campus, such as dodgeball, kickball, and flag football. Dozens of people joined in on the fun, as they offered an incredibly fun activity for students who love sports yet don’t play for the school.

Now, their absence isn’t due to lack of effort on Eastern’s part. Far from it, actually. I recently talked to SGA member and Class of 2027 President Stephan Philemon, who informed me that there are active efforts in the works to restart intramural sports this school year.

“We have had some talks within Student Government to see what we can do, because we don’t know our limitations,” said Philemon when asked about what said efforts were. “Some talks we’re having include trying to get spaces off campus to play some of the sports basketball and pick up volleyball games running but we just don’t have the space on campus to do that so we’re looking for alternatives as a new process.”

Now, the events I previously mentioned were small gatherings and pick-up games, which are fun in their own rights. However, Philemon and the rest of SGA are planning something much, much bigger.

“We are trying to have this more as an official intramural process,” said Philemon. “So that includes having referees, officiators, announcers, all that great stuff. Even like trying to get an Instagram.”

Now, I’m not the greatest referee, but can certainly fill in as an announcer if needed. Just saying.

Regardless, this would be huge for campus life here at Eastern, and I, along with hundreds of fellow students, hope that this vision comes to life during this school year. Especially for the seniors, for whom this year would be the final chance for them to have something like this.m Yes, there are some obstacles that need to be overcome, such as finding space for these events and dealing with construction and parking, but I truly believe it will be worth it for the students. Campus life will thrive off of the dozens upon dozen of people signing up to play, myself included as I try to defend my basketball title. Most importantly, it will be an incredible escape from the stresses of academics and work, as people can simply sign up and play. No hustle, no difficulties… until they actually play, that is.

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By Will Cunningham

What’s up y'all! I’m William Cunningham, a senior Communication Studies major who also serves as the Public Address Announcer for Eastern University Athletics. As someone who’s been working in various sports media since high school, I love that the Waltonian gives me the platform to cover sports of all types relevant to the students here at Eastern, especially the areas that span far beyond the games themselves.

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