Dealing with Depression: A Christian Outlook

Depression is a complex topic among Christians which should be handled with sensitivity and thoughtfulness. Everyone has a story that influences their faith, and this story is unique and requires patience and love. Christians may have multiple aspects of their life that seem so perplexing, and they have no idea how to lighten the load.

Psalms 34:17 says, “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles” (NIV). Christians have a Heavenly Father that will help them during difficult times. Therefore, believers who are depressed can be reassured that they can turn to God who can ease this pain.

Regarding depression and Christianity God is the ultimate “person” to depend on, comfort us in times of need and forgive us when no one else will. In addition, Christians who are going through this should be consoled by the thought that God is always with them, and that He will never leave them. We as human beings crave companionship, and God can become a companion because Christians can share their intimate thoughts with and confide in Him. God stands by His children even when they stray away from Him, and He trusts that eventually they will come back. Then, when His children return, He embraces them with open arms.

The Lord knows what His children will go through, and He has seen the triumph even when it seems impossible. John 16:33 reads, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (NIV). The knowledge of God’s strength allows Christians to be more aware that He is greater than the depression which consumes them. The Lord will also reveal to His believers various ways in which they can, and should, relieve their depression.

Most situations which occur in a Christian’s life can aid their spiritual journey. Thus, depression does not have to be negative but positive, becoming a formative part of a Christian’s journey and eventually testimony.

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