A Guide to Fall: Six steps to a well lived fall.

By now, everyone should already know to bake cookies, drink pumpkin spice lattes and watch Gilmore Girls. These are the standard fall activities. But where else does one turn to beyond the Pinterest lists and Instagram infographics for advice on the ideal fall experience? The Waltonian, obviously. Here is your step-by-step guide to having a fantastic season: 

Step 1: Appreciation

Fall is the most beautiful and possibly the best time of year. Therefore, take the time to appreciate the beauty of the autumnal splendor that October and November give us. Breathe in that crisp air, admire the warm hues of fallen leaves and listen to the crunch of those leaves underfoot. Notice small things that are unique to this time of year. 

Step 2: Avoidance

I cannot stress enough how much candy corn will ruin your overall autumn experience and, by extension, your life. Avoid these nasty conical candies at all costs. Once you remove this from your life, you can continue on toward the fall of your dreams. It may also behoove you to take precautions to avoid sickness this fall. Wash your hands, take your vitamins and get some sleep. Seriously. You’ll be able to enjoy every beautiful gift that fall can offer if you’re in good health. 

Step 3: Attire

Obviously, sweaters are essential. Consider making your own through crochet, knitting or thrifting with friends. However you obtain this garment, it is vital that you have a go-to cozy sweater. (And socks!)

Step 4: Apples

Apple cider, apple cider donuts, apple pie, apple crisp, apple tart, the list goes on and on! Anything apple is a good idea. But the best way to enjoy apples is to go pick your own. You could organize an orchard trip with friends or steal a few stray fruits from a tree growing outside an apartment building in your neighborhood (definitely not speaking from personal experience). Either way, getting outside and admiring the fruit while you consume it is a quintessential fall experience.

Step 5: A Pile of Leaves

This step is the most important one on the list. It’s self-explanatory: make a pile of leaves and play in it. It is the greatest happiness in a season of decay. 

Step 6: Avant-garde

Mix up your traditions! If you celebrate Thanksgiving, consider switching the traditional menu for something a bit more exciting. Swap turkey for steak or chili, mashed potatoes for sushi or cranberry sauce for mango chutney. If you typically go pumpkin-picking, try pears instead! Never been on a hayride? This is your year! Bake a different type of cookie, find a new hiking spot, splash in puddles or watch new spooky movies. 

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