Eastern University is celebrating its 100 year anniversary! Woohoo! As a former Cabrini University student myself, my favorite thing about Eastern is that it mirrors, and expands upon, the sense of community that I started to feel when I began my college experience. I am excited that I have been welcomed to an ever-growing community and can partake in the celebration of a monumental occasion: Eastern’s Centennial!
To put this into perspective, here are a few things Eastern is older than: the internet, the Eagles, the microwave, Citizen Kane, Cabrini University and so much more.
100 years is a long time. Tens of thousands of people have been influenced in some way or another by Eastern. I personally found myself falling in love with this institution very quickly, despite my prior reluctance to believe I ever would.
What is there to love about Eastern? This question seems simple, but could have so many different answers. So I walked around and asked as many people as I could, interrupting meals and people doing homework in the library.
While I did not get 100 unique responses, I found it interesting which aspects of Eastern were cited as the most lovable. So, in the words of Steve Harvey, “let’s see what the survey said!”
One aspect, which I was not surprised to see came up so much, was the beauty of the campus. People love to walk around campus, seeing the leaves change colors in the fall semester. The way the snow falls, leaving blankets of soft white across the ground. While walking across the bridges, students will sometimes see turtles and ducks in the little creeks. Or deer running just off the path. Of course, the famous water wheel, and all the ponds, came up too.
Another popular pick for the most lovable aspect of Eastern was the community. The diversity of people—from different races, hometowns and experiences—was mentioned. The friendliness of others, especially when you’re new to the school, and the smiley faces are what a lot of people love. Having small, personal classes and being able to really connect with peers and professors came up a lot.
This love for the community extended to special kudos to a long list of specific people. These people are: Dr. Rea, Dr. Huddell, Sabrina Severe, Dr. Burnette-Bletsch, Dr. Boyer, Dr. Moteiro, Dr. Bittenbender, Dr. Mtika, Sharina Hudson, Dr. Ford, Rev. Perry Brisbon, Eunice Jeon, Sally Kapner, Joe Modica, Dr. Bradstreet, John Doyle, Ranger, Dr. Rasmussen and Sandy (the very extroverted lady who works at Eagle’s Nest).
Similarly, people explained that certain majors and programs made them choose to come to Eastern in the first place. The biology, chemistry, music, social work, business and nursing majors attracted a lot of incoming students. The Templeton Honors College, and the crazy stories they have about the camping trips, were also something people touted as something to love.
Eastern’s Theater Department offers a lot to love. From shows, like the recent production of Noises Off in the fall, to the classes, like Unarmed Combat for the Actor, the Theater department has generated a lot of adoration from actors and audiences alike.
People also love the insight they can about transitioning into the professional world. One student explained he feels much better about graduating and moving on from college after speaking with a few business professors and learning valuable career advice. In a similar vein, visiting the Center for Career Development also quelled much of the worries people had about
adulting. Needless to say, the snacks offered at the Center for Career Development were highlighted by a few people.
There are plenty of eclectic parts of Eastern that have garnered a fondness. A few people brought up the old ID cards (the ones with the well-loved water wheel). President Matthew’s stylish red glasses—and his wacky statement suits—were cited as an endearing part of Eastern’s identity. The Eastern meme instagram account came up too.
Connecting back to the community aspect, there is a lot to say about the sports side of Eastern. Being teammates brought along some of the tightest friendships found at Eastern. I can personally attest to this being true. I am an RA in Sparrowk with a hallway full of baseball, soccer and golf guys. They are always chilling in each other’s rooms and travel in a giant pack.
More general sports related lovable moments include the newer additions to Eastern. This includes the football team and the currently still under construction baseball field. Beaker, cheer and dance teams and an immense amount of school spirit are also endearing parts of Eastern’s culture.
Continuing the idea of innovations at Eastern, the major changes to the communication department have gotten people excited. The new hands-on experiences, such as operating cameras, learning to edit, and producing student-made media, are making students eager for the future.
Last but certainly not least, people love the faith felt on campus. Chapel on Wednesdays are a great way to step away from weekly responsibilities to create fellowship with each other. Wednesday Night Worship fulfills a similar role, but in a much more casual and music-centered way. Someone mentioned Eastern Dance Ministry, which is a way to worship God through the art of dance.
There are so many things to love about Eastern that trying to collect and write about 100 of them here would not be enough. If I spoke to 100 different people, I know I would have gotten another 100 different things to talk about.
Oh Eastern, what a lovely place you are!