By: Hannah Bonanducci

On Tuesday, Nov. 8 and Wednesday, Nov. 9 the Warner Library will be hosting a book sale in the McInnis Hall main lobby. All of the prices have already been set, with paperbacks selling for only $1 and hardcovers selling for $2. The only requirement? Pay with cash!
The sale is another smaller mark of Eastern’s return to normalcy after the lockdown. Eastern Librarians Chelsea Post and Joy Dlugosz shared some of the steps behind putting this sale together.
“Upon seeing the number of materials that may be of interest to the student body, we decided to have this sale,” Post said. “Book sales have happened in the past in Walton Hall, so we are continuing a strong tradition by hosting our own.”
The collection process has been going on for about two years now and is finally ready to offer a full sale on campus.
“Some books were donated to us by community members, some are duplicates of what the library already has and some are from our assessment project that we’ve been working on over the past two academic years,” Dlugosz said.
The sale provides a wide range of genres, sure to attract readers of all kinds. Plus, the proceeds help the library provide more books and a wider range of public events for students.
“There will be over 500 books at the sale, ranging from Biblical and theological materials, young adult fiction books, some children’s books and various other subjects,” Post said. “Proceeds will go to the Library budget for book purchases and library events for Eastern students.”
And whether or not you’re a bookworm, Post and Dlugosz are sure that you’ll be able to find an interesting read somewhere in their pile.
“Most of the materials being sold are already available in the library in other formats and/or are outdated for library use, but will be a great addition to someone’s personal shelf,” Post said. “If you have the time to stop by on either of the two days the sale is happening, please do – you may find your next favorite read!”
If you’re interested in stopping by, the sale runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the 8th and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the 9th. Be sure to check it out if you get the chance!