Innovation and technological advancements have infiltrated every aspect of our modern lives. Our food is no exception. Eastern students have been frequenting the Chick-fil-A down the road from campus since its opening. But, the chicken recipe that keeps us going back is set to change in the next few months. 

Chick-fil-A announced this change early this year. “To maintain supply of the high-quality chicken you expect from us, Chick-fil-A will shift from No Antibiotics Ever (NAE) to No Antibiotics Important To Human Medicine (NAIHM) starting in the Spring of 2024” a spokesperson for Chick-fil-A, said. 

The motivation for the switch has to do with access to high-quality chicken, which with the rigorous standards that the company maintains, has been limited. This change will allow chickens that are sick to be treated with antibiotics before eventually being sold by the company. Upon first reading, it would appear that dangerous chemicals will now be in the chicken we consume, but this is not the whole story. 

Chick-fil-A promises to adhere to strict FDA regulations regarding these antibiotics, which are harmful for humans, but act as viable treatments for sick animals. It is worth noting that the company cannot ethically or practically sell chicken that still has traces of these dangerous chemicals. Chickens must be cleared of these antibiotics before being on the market for consumption.

This change has a number of implications for the average Chick-fil-A consumer. Firstly, the switch will keep the cost of chicken down so that consumers can still benefit from their more affordable fast food prices. It will also ensure that supply remains high enough to accommodate for the steady demand across the United States. 

An exact date for the change was never disclosed to the public, but the official statement set a date for the change by the end of last Spring. It is unclear how widely the new policy has been adopted as of yet. What we know is that stores across the country and Canada have committed to the change, though the exact timeline is still unclear. 

In summary, if you’re nervous about the health implications of this new recipe you’re not alone. Over the years the food industry has adopted many seemingly dangerous standards of productuon that we wuoldl do well to consder when we eat out. However, it seems that Chik-fil-e plans to maintain their commitment to clean food. If you’re in the mood for a Chik-fil-e order that hits the spot, don’t let this change keep you away.

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