
Archive, Opinions

Facebook: Harmful or helpful?

In the past few years of my life, I’ve had the overwhelming experience of witnessing a shift of values in my own generation, as well as the generation before mine. This shift has been characterized almost solely by the integration of social networking into the everyday lives of the people […]

Archive, Opinions

The internet is the perfect mask

Anonymous: the easiest name to use for any comment you want to make on the internet. Whether on a message board, a news article or a blog post, anonymous comments allow anyone to say whatever he or she wants without attaching any part of his or her personal identity to […]

Archive, Opinions

Facebook: Harmful or helpful?

I’ve heard all the criticisms of Facebook. Some say that the popular social networking web site is reducing face-to-face human communication. I’ve even read an argument that said Facebook was affecting students’ grammar. Personally, I thought that article was simply absurd. You can’t blame a web site for the way […]

Archive, Opinions

What boils my egg

Greetings, my friends, and welcome back to school. After a long, wintery break, the spring semester welcomes us all with a sun shining a radiant, blossoming light upon the campus, providing us with warmth and love. At least, this is what I spent my night dreaming of in January, and […]

Archive, Opinions

Take freedom of speech out of the crosshairs

The tragedy in Tucson, Arizona on Jan. 8, 2011 has shocked America to its core. When the carnage wrought by Jared Lee Loughner finally ended, six people were dead, including a Federal Judge, and thirteen more were wounded. Most prominent among the survivors is United States Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who […]

Archive, Opinions

Diversity of community a must

As I walk to and from class, I notice a significant group of diverse students. I credit part of this to the fact that Eastern University accepts many different types of people regardless of their ethnicity and religion. Having a number of students of different races and religions can help […]