

Deus Caritas Est

Soon, dates will be had and flowers given, chocolates, cards, and cliché verses consumed: Valentine’s Day is almost here. A day to celebrate love, a beautiful thing. And as this time approaches, many will be confronted with loneliness. Not because they do not have dates; no, but because love is […]


Photo-Sharing Apps: Tools for Self-Promotion?

Photo-sharing applications such as Facebook and Instagram are excellent tools that allow users to share personal experiences. It is no coincidence that Facebook asks the question, “What’s on your mind?” where users write statuses; this question presumes that the user always has something to share. Moreover, since it is an […]


Satire as Vehicle for Social Change: Should Journalists Self-Regulate?

[twocol_one]Yes Elizabeth Vollmer Given the recent murders of the cartoonists and journalists at the satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo,” issues of censorship and self-regulation regarding offensive satire have come to the forefront of news organizations worldwide. I have come to the conclusion that, despite the fact that satire is a form […]


New Year’s Resolutions: Four Weeks Later

Each year, we are confronted with the societal pressure to resolve to change, to become better and more successful versions of ourselves. This pressure to change as the calendar resets is known as the dreadful New Years’ resolution. The most common resolutions usually have to do with image. We want […]


Meat Consumption and Christian Ethics

When discussing the ethics of meat consumption, many Christians cite two relevant New Testament texts that essentially overturn Jewish dietary rules and regulations. In the Gospel of Mark one reads Jesus proclaim, “Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him, because it does […]


Introducing…The Eastern BEET

Tony Campolo Bust Spotted at S.A.B. Sky Zone Event OAKS, PA — A recent incident at the S.A.B. Sky Zone Event proves that even Eastern alumni need a break from classes every once in a while. On the evening of Friday, Jan. 16, the marble bust of Tony Campolo, typically […]


Letter to the Editor

From Rick Jonsen Housekeeping staff appreciation day had special meaning this year when Allison Cox and hundreds of other students decided to replicate an action that Shane Claiborne and the Eastern students of his era took: take over St. David’s campus housekeeping duties for a day so the housekeeping staff […]


The Issue: Is young adult literature appropriate?

[twocol_one]Appropriate for YA Kit Apostolacus It could be argued that young adult literature is not appropriate for its target audience—depicting unhealthy relationships, romanticizing abuse, and a slew of other reasons—but it seems to me that these are not inherently inappropriate for the target audience. Of course, the presentation of certain […]


What’s Expendable: Finances or Friendship?

Often in our culture today, money takes precedence over relationships. The culture preaches that money will make us happy and that relationships are expendable. This is certainly not the Christian position. Christ tells us that we can serve only one king, either God or Mammon. Further, in the Kingdom of […]