Inventive Uses for Your Halloween Candy

It’s spooky season once again, and that means candy. Whether you’re trick-or-treating or taking advantage of those day-after bargains, there may come a point when chowing down on one more candy bar no longer seems so appetizing. But don’t worry— here are six things to do with all those leftovers!

1. Freeze it. You might not be able to stomach one more Milky Way at the moment, but that might change in a couple of weeks. Chopped-up frozen candy bars can last much longer than unfrozen ones, and they can be added to ice cream, smoothies, and even do-it-yourself milkshakes (Recipe: Blend up vanilla ice cream, a splash of milk and a couple candy bars and you’ve got yourself a classy milkshake).

2. Trail Mix. Ever gotten snacky in between classes (or if you’re me, in the middle of the night)? Leftover M&Ms make great additions to trail mix, and it’s cheaper to buy nuts in bulk and make your own trail mix packages than to buy the pre-packaged versions. Besides saving money, making your own trail mix allows you to personalize your trail mix however you like it. Goodbye raisins, and hello craisins!

3. Dorm-Friendly Snickers Popcorn. For all the times you’re craving something sweet and salty, Snickers Popcorn can be a lifesaver, and all this recipe needs is a microwave. Heat up a bag of microwave popcorn and pour it into a big bowl. Then, chop up Snickers bars and melt in the microwave for two to three minutes or until melted. Pour the melted candy over the popcorn and stir, adding more melted candy if desired. It can be eaten hot or cold, though it does take a little while to cool in the fridge. If you can, spreading it out on a tray or plate will help it cool faster.

4. Bake with them. When in doubt, there are tons of recipes on the internet that involve candy bars as garnishes atop brownies or folded inside cookies. You could even reserve the KaGe for a couple hours and make an evening of it with some friends to de-stress! Many of these recipes even use traditional brownies mixes and pre-packaged dough, which can be super convenient for students who don’t really want to keep an extra pound of flour in their dorm room until the day they graduate.

5. Make paint. Fun fact: you can make paint using leftover Skittles and corn syrup. Separate the Skittles by color into containers, cover with corn syrup, and let marinate overnight (make sure to cover the containers so you don’t attract ants). While the paints might take a little while to dry, depending on thickly you layer them, they’ll have a glossy finish and vibrant color.

6. Donate it. Many dentists in the area offer to buy back candy at a dollar per pound, and they’ll donate it to various charities, usually sending the candy to troops overseas. The website allows you to search for participating businesses by zip code and it will provide links to the websites so you can find out when and where the buy-back is happening. Alternatively, the Ronald McDonald House charities often accept donations of unopened candy for sick children and their loved ones. You can find more information about this charity and others online, as well as other opportunities to donate, such as senior living communities or programs that donate candy to homeless children.

Hopefully these fun ideas have inspired you to do something with all that leftover candy! Whether you choose to eat it in another form, repurpose it or give it away, now there’s no reason to let any Halloween candy fall by the wayside.

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